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Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Fans take notice of QB Zach Hoffman in Plock, Poland

Zach Hoffman has taken a leading role in the Offense for the Plock Mustangs in Plock, Poland.

Zach has shwoed that his skills at QB and WR are a valuable asset to the Mustangs offense who have seen a resurgence in Points Since Zach has Joined the team.


Unknown said...


We are very proud of you and what you are accomplishing in Poland. I have a link to the Plock Mustangs website, but please keep sending updates and any videos you get. I also want to get some Mustangs team apparel. Can we buy your team jersey with your name on it, tee shirt, hoodie, etc...Let me know. Me & the boys want to get some Mustangs gear....

Keep it up.

Uncle Dean

Unknown said...


We are very proud of you and what you are accomplishing in Poland. I have a link to the Plock Mustangs website, but please keep sending updates and any videos you get. I also want to get some Mustangs team apparel. Can we buy your team jersey with your name on it, tee shirt, hoodie, etc...Let me know. Me & the boys want to get some Mustangs gear....

Keep it up.

Uncle Dean