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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Politics in American Football overseas

It would seem like people in the United States are not aware of what is going on in American Football overseas. Europeans have been trying to put a stronghold on our great sport of American football by claiming that the game is theirs to regulate when ever they get the chance. Point is in what the IFAF, EFAF and USA Football are doing when it comes to the World Cup of American Football. The international Federations have put large amounts of money into creating a Federation that bans teams from playing the few American teams that dare to come overseas to play Football depending on the name of the team. The United States does not do this practice nor does it care what a team calls itself that comes to the United States to play our game of football in the United States. If Americans are not aware by now because of what has occured to baseball and basketball the rest of the world gets a kick out of beating us at our own sports. Many different people from all over the world come to the United states to play sports and make millions of American dollars that they could not make in their own countries. The main part of the downfall of some of our sports is our own isolationism and because this, we are not aware of what other countries are doing in a particular sport until it is to late. We are so worried about regulating ourselves that we do not realize that other countries are doing things at all costs right under our noses just to prove that we are not a strong country. We import everything even our own Jobs and now athletes. It is very evident in hockey where Canadians were the majority in the sport, and now the minority. I think North American's should look at what is really going on around the world and level the playing field on what is going on. Examples are what the Europeans do in their own countries when it comes to Americans that play certain sports. In American Football only 2 Americans are allowed on the field and in Germany they have Americans put a big A on their helmets to brand them as so. Other countries are lobbying to ban americans from playing on American Football teams overseas. Makes one wonder if this practice is not being looked at by any sports administrators in the United States. If American teams had to put an E on every European player that played college sports lawsuits would be running wild. It makes one wonder what some Americans are thinking when they think that no one can do it better then Americans, when in reality given enough time others can do even better. This is not politics but to be honest attitudes towards sports has changed in many different ways since the year 2000. American sports needs a kick start away from the professional athletes when it comes to International play. Team USA American Football was created to try to change this spiral that has been going on and all TUSAAF has been getting is critics. Makes one wonder why a lot of Americans are not seeing the writing on the wall, when it comes to what is going on around in the world. Many different countries would love to see us fail at certain things but in sports is an area that a lot of Americans take for granted. lets be honest Americans rarely even show up for international events. The baseball World challenge should be a clear example of what is going on. Japan like usual when given any project will take it to its fullest and then some. Japan, believe it or not have the best amateur teams. If the United States does not watch what is going on we will be in the same situation as baseball.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Legends Help out Team USA American Football

Team USA American Football gets a little help from Jack Pardee and Bum Phillips. TUSAAF donated a Team USA American Football Jersey to the United Staes Army dining facility in Germany, to show its support for the Army. legendary Coaches Jack Pardee and Bum Phillips signed autographs and signed helmets in the dining facility. which will go on display at the dining facility in Germany.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

What or who is the USA National American Football Team

We here want to put the record clear on who is actually the American National Team for the United States. The Aztec Bowl Team is actually the only American Team that is claiming to be the National Team for the United States If you go to this link you will see the history of the Aztec Bowl and who are directly involved in the making of the USA National Team. Team USA American Football is totally independent of the organizations that are involved with the National team and TUSAAF has no real need or want to become the National team of the United States. Team USA American Football is made up of different athletes and welcomes Americans abroad onto its roster to show the respect we have for Americans who are playing abroad on teams overseas because they live and work in the local communities. Military members were the first in many cases to bring American Football to local communities and this is another reason why Team USA American Football is unique because we acknowledge the people who have played a major part in making American Football popular in certain communities overseas. At present their are certain organizations with the USA banner and they include
USA Football
Global Football
Team USA American Football/Stars Stripes
Team USA Football

USA Football is backed by the NFL and has a direct affiliation with Global Football because they work together with Global football with the Global Jr Championships which is sponsored by the NFL during Super Bowl week. Team USA American Football/Stars & Stripes has a verbal agreement with both USA Football and Global Football to work together in promoting American Football overseas.
Team USA Football are run by semi pro organizations that charge their players to wear the USA uniform. In most cases players on this team only play on the team if they can afford to pay the price to get to locations overseas on their own money. Hopefully this little explanation give some people in American Football overseas a good idea of what is going on with the representation of American Teams in the United States who where the USA Title. The World Cup of American Football will be played in Japan in 2007 and at present USA Football is the only organization who has been paying dues to be called the National team of the United States so this organization will be putting together a team for the American Football World Cup. If you see the alliances that are together you will notice that the Aztec Bowl people will likely get the nod to field the USA National team. USA Football itself works at the Youth Level and does not have a team that plays Under the USA Football logo at the senior level. American Football federations in Europe, Japan, and Mexico are not 100 % sure yet who or when a team will be named for 2007 but they know a American Team will be involved in the World Cup of American Football for the first time since it was established. Overseas National American Football teams are driven by government money to keep a National team, where as American Teams at least in American Football are not. This is the main reason why American Teams in American Football are not traveling on a regular basis to play games overseas. Team USA American Football/Stars&Stripes has been established to have an American Team that can play teams internationally as an independent club team with out active Professional players to help the growth of the amateur sport worldwide.